The Tide

Your Future

Your Success

The Tide

Your Future

Your Success

Business Improvement & Advisory Services

At Pontus VIII we acknowledge the challenges involved in running a successful business.  Exceeding customer expectations, growing profitability, managing cash flow, meeting governance requirements, dealing with staffing, driving product development and innovation – the list goes on and the demands and decisions are continuous and stressful.

Add a global pandemic to an economy undergoing significant stress and a political environment full of uncertainty, the challenge is multiped many times over.  Indeed, many businesses will become financially distressed while others will be required to restructure in order to survive in the new economic reality.

At Pontus VIII, we provide business improvement and advisory services.  Our services, based on decades of hands-on management experience, focus on the following core capabilities.

Creating a Vision for the future and developing a plan for how to get there
Equipping you to make good business decisions that are aligned with your strategy
Short term project management and contract engagements to help you implement required changes


Establishing your vision for the future and creating a strategy for how to achieve it.  An effective strategy will include a description of where you want to go (mission, vision, values), a quantification of what you want to achieve (goals, objectives) and a plan on how you are going to get there (tactics, actions and outcomes).  Importantly, the strategy will include mechanisms for measuring progress along the way.


01Strategy Formulation

Facilitation of the strategy formulation process within your company with the aim of achieving maximum buy-in from management and staff. Through a series of workshops, the process is consultative and inclusive and once complete will cascade down to all parts of the business to ensure that everyone in the organization is heading in the same direction.

02Strategic Financial Modeling

The strategic financial plan reflects the outcomes of the defined strategy and will generally contain a set of assumptions around drivers of revenue and cost in your business. The financial plan will be flexible and will enable users to modify assumption and evaluate ‘what if’ scenarios.

03Strategic Review

The strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities shaping the business and competitive environment will be evaluated and options and recommendations on how to address them will be developed. This process will require a detailed internal and external business review. Options and recommendations will be aligned with the business strategy and capabilities of the organization.


Decision Support

Every business is faced with decisions on a daily basis, some of which are more important — or strategic — than others.  Decision support refers to specific, focused engagements that target a particular issue or opportunity and provide a clear and concise appraisal of the situation so that managers have the information necessary to make good decisions.  Appraisals will always be strategically aligned, may include options for dealing with an issue (along with related impacts, risks and success factors), and will provide a recommendation, depending on your specific situation and requirements.  Decision support examples include:

01Investment Appraisal

Investments in acquisitions, new business capabilities, major capital additions and R&D (including decisions to divest / exit) set the stage for a company’s long-term growth – or failure. These decisions require not only detailed and objective financial analysis, but also a strategic assessment of how those investments fit with rapidly changing customer requirements and expectations. Pontus VIII provides a critical and objective evaluation of an investment’s financial returns, its strategic alignment with an organizations core competency, and its relevance with emerging trends.

02Efficiency Reviews

Efficiency reviews help optimize your business by making better use of existing resources. This could have the effect of increasing revenue, reducing costs, or simply doing things differently to enhance value. A review will look at management, staff, revenue, cost drivers, competition, and other critical success factors to identify gaps and opportunities and present a set of executable recommendations.

03Portfolio Optimization

It is increasingly important to ensure consistency between consumer / customer needs and a businesses products and services. Pontus VIII evaluates evolving market trends and defines company capabilities to identify opportunities to enhance growth and profitability through portfolio enhancement and product / service innovation.


Once decisions have been made, it is not always possible for company resources to execute the required strategic change. Existing resources may not have the skills required to manage projects effectively, or simply don’t have time to devote to change initiatives while also managing their day-to-day responsibilities. Pontus VIII provides short to medium term management services to address this need.


01Project Management

Our consulting resources can manage cross-functional project teams in order to deliver your strategic initiatives. From project plans to steering committee status updates, we will create a project management structure that includes an appropriate amount of control without stifling inclusivity, agility and flexibility.

02Change Management

Your most important asset is your staff, and strategic changes have the potential to be very unsettling for them. That is why every strategic change needs to be accompanied by a change management plan that will aim to support your people through the transition and ultimately contribute towards the success of the project.

03Interim Management

Based on your needs, we can provide appropriate management resources for specific short to medium term engagements. These engagements could be to perform a specific role on a strategic project, or simply to plug a gap while you find the correct person to join your business. Pontus VIII has a number of different skill-sets to meet your needs.



Christopher Lischewski leads Pontus VIII Enterprises and utilizes a broad array of experienced business executives to develop custom teams to meet unique client needs.

Lischewski is customer-focused, detail-oriented, and decisive.  He has 40 years of management experience, twenty years as President and CEO, in private, corporate and public environments.  Lischewski possesses a unique ability to visualize / design long term business strategies while also developing and executing near term tactics necessary to achieve success.
His strong financial and analytical skills support broad business expertise encompassing procurement, logistics, processing operations, quality assurance, R&D / innovation, marketing, sales and ESG.  In addition, Lischewski has significant experience interacting with Boards, investors
and lenders.

CONTACTHow can we help your business to improve?

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    30 N. Gould St., Suite N
    Sheridan, WY 82801